Goat milk fatty acids profile and protein fractions

Grazielly de Jesus Silva, Ben-Hur Ramos Ferreira Gonçalves, Daniele Gomes Conceição, Silvania Farias Oliveira Pontes, Sibelli Passini Barbosa Ferrão


The aim of this study/reviewer was to evaluate the profile of fatty acids and protein fractions on the goat milk. The goat milk has as main characteristic the short and medium fatty acid chain (C4-C10) that is, at least as twice as much of that observed in cow milk. The protein fraction on the goat milk is composed in average by caseins (71%), whey proteins, 22% (soluble proteins) and non-proteic nitrogen (7%). When compared to cow’s milk, the goat’s milk has less casein, more serum proteins and non-proteic nitrogen. Compared with cow milk, goat milk contains less casein, more serum proteins and non-protein nitrogen. The identification of goat Milk components and the characterization of their properties may serve for developing and implementing programs to improve the quality of milk and da iry products.


Goat; fat; protein.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.14295/2238-6416.v70i6.474


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