Profile of the dairy properties belonging to the “Curral Bonito” program, municipality of Rio Pomba, MG, Brazil

Iago Lúcio Cruz Melo, Rafael Monteiro Araújo Teixeira


We evaluated zootechnical indexes and milk quality from “Curral Bonito” Program producers. A survey was applied to each owner during March and October of 2016 using 17 properties from Rio Pomba municipality, belonging to the mesoregion of Zona da Mata Mineira. We evaluated the fat and protein percentage, hygienic sanitary standards (CCS) and zootechnical indexes. It was found that fat and protein contents were within the standard allowed by IN62. With respect to CCS, values were above the limits allowed by the legislation. As a conclusion, it is verified that the producers of “Curral Bonito” program need, besides animals genetic improvement, to be monitored by specialized technical assistance in order to adopt strategies to reduce production costs, increase productivity and, trerefore, the profitability of the properties.


milk quality; somatic cell count; milking; feeding animal



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