Compositional and nutritional aspects of milk ass: a review

Adriano Henrique do Nascimento Rangel, José Geraldo Bezerra Galvão Júnior, Aurino Alves Simplício, Rayssa Maria Bezerril Freire, Luciano Patto Novaes


The objective was to search national and international scientific literature related to production aspects, physical and chemical characteristics, microbiological and nutritional of donkey’s milk. The survey was conducted between January and December 2014 in which were consulted scientific articles published in national and international journals between 1900 and 2014 through the database Scielo Brazil, Web of Science, AGRIS, Google Scholar, FAOSTAT and EBSCO. This milk has significant similarity to human milk and its consumption has increased associated with results of studies that confirm its use as a safe and valid food for most cases of multiple food intolerance. The ass milk has less fat, and lactose and pH values – similar compared to human milk and has a larger proportion of polyunsaturated fatty acids compared to ruminant milk. It has low somatic cell count and bacterial count associated to the high concentration of lysozyme. This enzyme has bactericidal characteristics, making it one of the milk components with useful biological properties. Thus, the rational creation of the species, focusing on production and consumption of milk, is a promising alternative. 


com foco na produção e consumo de leite, representa uma alternativa promissora.



composition; lysozyme; lactation; lipid profile; health.



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