Conjugated linoleic acid: chemical structure, occurrence and effects on human health

Juliana Nunes Lucatto, Saraspathy N. T. G. de Brandão, Deisy Alessandra Drunkler


Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) is the group of positional and geometric isomers of linoleic acid, which are naturally synthesized in the rumen of animals. The main dietary sources of CLA are milk, dairy products end meat from ruminant animals. For over two decades, numerous studies both in animals and in humans, have been linking CLA to several beneficial effects such as reduction of carcinogenesis, atherosclerosis,body fat mass and increase muscle mass. This study aimed to present an overview of
current studies related to CLA, regarding the synthesis of CLA by lactic acid bacteria and in animals rumen, as well as the beneficial effects and scientifically proved ways to quantify, always emphasizing milk and milk products.


fatty acid; isomers; milk, CLA



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