Laura Maria A. de Oliveira, Lúcia Mara Januário dos Anjos, Patrícia Rodrigues Rezende de Souza, Larissa Pereira Brumano, Martha Eunice de Bessa, Miriam Aparecida de Oliveira Pinto


By definition Grated cheese, is the product obtained by crumbling or grating cheese of low humidity suitable for human consumption. It is a food widely consumed by the population, however it can offers some risks to public health when it is contaminated with a pathogen. The Foodborne Diseases (FBD) are caused by ingestion of food or drink that contains pathogens and/or toxins produced by them in quantities that affect the health of consumers. Among the microorganisms that cause FBD of importance in cheese stand out, Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella sp. e Escherichia coli. The related legislation in Brazil, the RDC nº 12 and the Ordinance nº 357 regulates the microbiological standards for foods. This study evaluated the quality of samples of grated cheese marketed in the city of Juiz de Fora , MG. Twenty samples were analyzed. Forty percent were rejected for the counting of molds and yeasts and 15% had counts close to the acceptation limit for these microorganisms. Concerning to moisture analyses, 20% of the samples were in disagreement with the limit established by legislation to low moisture cheeses. These results show that grated cheese industries should be better monitored by health authorities, so that the final product has quality and safety guaranteed.


food microbiology; cheese; public health.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.5935/2238-6416.20120006


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