Profile of raw milk consumer from Arapongas city - Paraná State

Rosana de Longhi, Aliny Cristiani Prado Moreno, Aline Buzignani dos Reis, Werner Okano, Lina Casale Aragon-Alegro, Elsa Helena Walter de Santana


The raw milk commercialization have been a social, economic and public health problem in Brazil, therefore these milk is a risk to the consumer health, since is a product without none fiscalization. It is understood that only the population knowledge about the risks of the raw milk consumption can result in the reduction of the commercialization. It was decided to evaluate the milk consumer profile in Arapongas city, Paraná, Brazil, and the characteristics of raw milk consumer for that this information could to assist in the reduction of raw milk commercialization and in clarification campaigns. The city was divided geographically in four sectors where the quarters involved were, totalizing 400 interviewed. The questions had the objective to find information about the milk consumers and determinate the characteristics of the raw milk consumers. Could be concluded that the interviewed population prefer UHT milk, the consumption per day is one liter and have the habit to boil the milk consumed. The raw milk consumers totalized 19,5% from the interviewed, they don't know about the illnesses transmitted for raw milk and the law that it hinders the commercialization of these product.


raw milk, consumer, quality.


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